June 2023

High Life

New York’s killer cyclists

A total disregard for the law is now acceptable, with bikers openly performing glissandos past very fat and short traffic wardens

By Taki

From the Magazine

London Life

The joy of missing out

One should never complain about not being invited to something

By Cosmo Landesman

From the Magazine

Low Life

I’m going downhill fast

One of Ford Madox Ford’s novels is called A Man Could Stand Up. Well, this one couldn’t

By Jeremy Clarke

From the Magazine

American Life

Michael Cimino’s gift to cinema

Heaven’s Gate is a 200-minute-plus mess of beautiful incoherences and stupefying contradictions

By Bill Kauffman

From the Magazine


The dangers of faux-education

Education on a mass scale is adjusted to and reflective of the limitations of the average citizen’s intellectual abilities and his competency

By Chilton Williamson, Jr.

From the Magazine


Pet portraitist Mimi Vang Olsen marches to the beat of her own drum

For this artist, life is an adventure, not a struggle

By Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

From the Magazine