The Clarence Thomas documentary is a must-see

If you are already an admirer of Justice Thomas, you are going to enjoy spending time with him

clarence thomas
Justice Clarence Thomas

Back in February when the inspiring documentary about the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, was playing in movie theaters around the country, I wrote a review encouraging you to go see it. Now, it is coming to your own home. On Monday night it premiered on your PBS station, and is repeating throughout the week. This is a great opportunity for you — and now made very easy too.In that earlier review, I wrote about meeting someone who had been completely brainwashed about Justice Thomas. The…

Back in February when the inspiring documentary about the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, was playing in movie theaters around the country, I wrote a review encouraging you to go see it. Now, it is coming to your own home. On Monday night it premiered on your PBS station, and is repeating throughout the week. This is a great opportunity for you — and now made very easy too.In that earlier review, I wrote about meeting someone who had been completely brainwashed about Justice Thomas. The Thomas he knew was a fictitious personality created and maintained by what Rush Limbaugh refers to as ‘the drive-by media.’ Thomas has been described by the leading lights of the media as bitter, a loner, a brooding recluse. The real Clarence Thomas is the opposite of the fictitious one. Thomas is a man with a sunny disposition who likes people and is liked by the people who know him. He is also brilliant and eloquent. If the ongoing propaganda campaign against him has some hold on you, do yourself a favor by letting this film do its best for you. If you are already an admirer of Justice Thomas, you are going to enjoy spending time with him. This depiction of his life story will inspire you, even if you are already an admirer. The story of his life is one of those great American stories like the life of Abraham Lincoln, a story of overcoming great adversity to achieve great things and personal greatness.

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