Russell Brand: Margaret Thatcher was a ‘woman-man’

Male comedian decides which women get to be feminist icons

russell brand
Russell Brand


Was Margaret Thatcher a feminist icon? Given that the Iron Lady was Britain’s first female prime minister, you might think so. But not according to Russell Brand.
The comedian and Jeremy Corbyn fan has released a video in which he explains feminism. Brand then asks whether Thatcher — who defied the odds to rise to the very top of British politics — could in any way be seen as an inspiration to women. ‘No’, according to Brand. Why?
‘…because the values she extolled, espoused and conveyed were male values. She was a woman-man. She was a very,…

Was Margaret Thatcher a feminist icon? Given that the Iron Lady was Britain’s first female prime minister, you might think so. But not according to Russell Brand.

The comedian and Jeremy Corbyn fan has released a video in which he explains feminism. Brand then asks whether Thatcher — who defied the odds to rise to the very top of British politics — could in any way be seen as an inspiration to women. ‘No’, according to Brand. Why?

‘…because the values she extolled, espoused and conveyed were male values. She was a woman-man. She was a very, very powerful person…but her premiership did not lead to more opportunities for women…conventional female values such as nurture, caringness, equality’.

Cockburn isn’t convinced that mansplaining feminism is a good look for Brand…

This article was originally published on The Spectator’s UK website.

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