Things have gone from bad to worse for Milo Yiannopoulos since Tanya Gold chronicled his demise in these pages. Now even Australia are turning against the self-styled ‘Dangerous Faggot’.
An Australian nationalist called Neil Erikson published a document containing emails, WhatsApp messages and bank transfer information between his friends, event managers Daniel and Ben Spiller, and Yiannopoulos. The messages reveal the extent of Yiannopoulos’s debts – around $2 million – and show the Spillers throwing money at Yiannopoulos in an attempt to arrange various Australian tours with Milo and other right-wing figures over the last year or so.
All of the tours fell through for one reason or another. Yiannopoulos’s tour with Ann Coulter, scheduled for this month, was canceled in October by the Spillers’ company AE Events. Yiannopoulos was then due to join the ‘Deplorables’ tour with VICE and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and British far-right activist Tommy Robinson. He pulled out after McInnes was denied a visa by Australian immigration authorities for being of bad character. Readers must be as surprised as Cockburn to learn that a character test is required to enter Australia.
After publishing the messages, Erikson took to his Facebook page to chastise Yiannopoulos and McInnes.
He said: ‘How did we get to the point where we’re gonna allow foreigners, half-American, or half-English, Milo Yiannopoulos followers, to come here and fleece us, and laugh at us on his live videos saying, “I couldn’t give a toss what happens down there, I couldn’t care, I’m focused on America, I’m focused on England.”
‘This guy doesn’t care about us. Him, Gavin McInnes…all they care about is cash, first-class tickets, bundles of cash, and they disown their own people, the Proud Boys. They got into a bit of a biffo, instead of standing by their people, they denounced them. They surrendered. They yielded. Because they’re shit-scared to be sued and lose their wealth. These people don’t care about their nations, they don’t care about nationalism, they don’t care about spreading the word. All they care about is filling their pockets and becoming famous. And they’re willing to throw everyone under the bus who helps them get there.’
It’s a remarkable U-turn for Erikson, a convicted stalker and racial vilifier, who was arrested outside Yiannopoulos’s December 2017 talk in Melbourne and spoke to local press defending the provocateur’s right to speak. With friends like these…
There aren’t many Anglosphere nations left for Milo to flee to. His first media company in Britain were taken to court after various freelancers were unpaid. Then he sailed the Gamergate wave across the Atlantic, toured college campuses over here and began to gain global infamy…until unearthed video footage of him joking about pedophilia cost him his CPAC speaking gig and prompted his resignation from Breitbart.
You could be forgiven for wondering whether Australia was his last hope – perhaps because he announced the title of his next book to be Australia, You’re My Last Hope. But despite a relatively warm welcome during his December 2017 visit to the Land Down Under – some MPs hosted him in Parliament – it seems as though the Aussies are finally over Milo.
Update 12/3, 6:35p.m., ET: Yiannopoulos has issued a statement alleging that the Spillers are a ‘criminal organization’ and saying he’s at least $4 million in debt: