What do veganism, fashion, and architecture all have in common? According to Gen Z, they’re all racist.
America’s teens and twenty-somethings have taken up the mantle of civil rights by reposting informative guides to Critical Race Theory on their Instagram Stories. Cockburn’s nieces were kind enough to send him a few links.
You might think that these posts inform the zoomers about topics like fatherlessness, abortion, the welfare state and other serious issues that disproportionately face the African American community. However, these guides are almost entirely composed of far-left talking points, creating a social media echo chamber of unabated cultural Marxism and cringe.
Surprisingly, the topics of discussion range far beyond ‘defund the police’ and Orange Man Bad. For instance, did you know that veganism is ‘overwhelmingly white and inaccessible’?
The Instagram user @sisoyvegan taught Cockburn that his (very) occasional vegetable consumption may not be so innocent after all. According to her guide ‘White Supremacy and Veganism’, white soy boys have effectively ruined veganism for people of color: ‘All too often, [mainstream veganism] is complicit in maintaining white supremacy in both our food system and the world at large’.
The guide goes on to explain ‘some of the ways mainstream veganism continues to uphold white supremacy’. One such example is the reintroduction of food eaten by ‘BIPOC’ (black indigenous people of color) for centuries — such as tofu, quinoa, chia, and pepitas — as novel. Another example is the purchase of veggies that require ‘violent’ natural resource extraction in the southern hemisphere. A third is ‘failing to speak’ on the mistreatment of largely undocumented farmhands.
In order to build a veganism that is ‘anti-racist, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonialist’, the guide encourages white vegans to educate themselves on the ways ‘our food systems perpetuate white supremacy’. Cockburn, meanwhile, will be glad to fully divest from vegetables and return to a diet entirely composed of gin and creatures on the WWF list of endangered species.
In addition to grocery shopping, apparently buying clothes can perpetuate white supremacy. According to Instagram user @ssustainably_, ‘CHOOSING to buy secondhand instead of HAVING to buy secondhand is a privilege’.
This guide explains that white people should feel very, very guilty, because the rising popularity of secondary clothes markets causes higher secondhand clothes prices, thereby shutting poorer buyers out of the market. In other words, white people seeking to save money by not buying brand new clothes are actually evil capitalist pigs.
Although secondhand clothes purchases help with ‘climate justice’, the guide calls for the dismantling of systems that would allow the option for wealthier buyers to consume either firsthand or secondhand clothing.
Lastly, according to Instagram user @ronnie_lee, even urban architecture can be ‘hostile’ to disadvantaged people.
Apparently, ‘hostile designs’ like raised grates, benches with armrests, and slanted seating are not incorporated into urban places to ‘prevent loitering, crime, drug use’ or ‘to force people to seek out shelter or aid’. Instead, they’re meant to flush out folks in ‘unwanted demographics’.
Considering the fact that these cities are controlled by Democrats, perhaps Gen Z’s angst on this issue — and others — ought to be redirected toward America’s urban Democratic party machines. Like a racist white vegan scarfing down a tofu burrito, might it be time for the left to cannibalize itself once again?