Revenge of the Republicans

Political turnabout is fair play

revenge republicans
Joe Biden (Getty)

The 2020 election has provided fertile ground upon which Republicans can spend the next four years doing to Joe Biden what the Democrats did to Donald Trump and George W. Bush. For four years, Democrats and their media allies trumpeted every claim, no matter how baseless or crazy, that Trump’s 2016 election win was illegitimate and fraudulent. Despite zero evidence that so much as a single vote was interfered with, Democrats peddled the hoax that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to elect Trump. Even after the Mueller investigation exonerated Trump and his campaign from the…

The 2020 election has provided fertile ground upon which Republicans can spend the next four years doing to Joe Biden what the Democrats did to Donald Trump and George W. Bush. For four years, Democrats and their media allies trumpeted every claim, no matter how baseless or crazy, that Trump’s 2016 election win was illegitimate and fraudulent. Despite zero evidence that so much as a single vote was interfered with, Democrats peddled the hoax that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to elect Trump. Even after the Mueller investigation exonerated Trump and his campaign from the collusion canard, Democrats, led by the shameless Adam Schiff, continued to allege collusion. Their simple goal was to undermine and delegitimize the Trump presidency. It clearly worked to the degree some voters turned their backs on Trump even as they voted Republican down-ballot.As Biden’s razor-thin win in a handful of states that pushed him past the 270-electoral vote threshold needed to win the presidency, Trump and his allies claimed that voter fraud and other Democrat-led schemes stole the election. Unlike the bogus Russia bunk, however, there are documented voter fraud issues and other unexplained results that call into question the election. For example, one analysis found that Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major city except, conveniently, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Because of this and other election oddities, a significant chunk of voters don’t believe Biden actually won the election. He’ll now spend four years governing an America in which just under half of its citizens believe he wouldn’t have won had everything been done fairly and squarely.Though he managed to get far more done than people give his team credit for, Trump governed under a dark cloud for most of his presidency. His team had to waste precious time and energy defending him against the Mueller investigation with its phalanx of Democratic hitman lawyers and corrupt FBI personnel. The media aided this assault by running stories over the last four years based on anonymous sources, several of which ended up being false. No president has had to undergo so thorough an investigation on such thinly-sourced claims. Trump may be lots of things, but he is as patriotic and faithful to America as any man who ever occupied the Oval Office.Assuming Republicans can win one of the two Georgia runoff Senate seats, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans will maintain control of the US Senate. That means Ron Johnson and Lindsey Graham will be able to continue their investigations into both the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign, transition and administration and, more problematic for Biden, the allegations against Biden family influence peddling in Ukraine, China and Russia. Democrats and the media will continue to ignore the growing evidence something improper occurred, especially given Tony Bobuliski’s unimpeachable statements. Regardless, there appears to be more evidence of possible wrongdoing than ever existed in support of the Russia collusion hoax. Should the smoke become fire in the coming year, Biden might find himself calling Trump for advice.Finally, it seemed only yesterday that Democrats and their media sycophants were charging that Diebold voting machines had altered votes in favor of Republican candidates. As you may recall, the head of Diebold, Walden O’Dell, happened to be a Republican who donated to George W. Bush and other Republicans. The unproven allegations against Diebold were breathlessly reported in a Keyser Söse-like who, what, were, when and how tale so complicated only tin foil hat folks on the left-wing fringe could ‘understand’ it. The punchline is John Kerry should have won Ohio and become president in 2004 after the Supreme Court improperly stole the 2000 election for Bush, but the Diebold machines moved votes to Bush, which of course wasn’t true.Fast-forward 15 years and instead of Diebold as the villain, we are now being flooded with stories about how Dominion voting machines switched or erased Trump votes in 2020. It just so happens that 96 percent of Dominion’s political donations have gone to Democrats. We know that the Dominion machines did flip at least one county’s votes in Michigan from Trump to Biden. Trump’s 73 million supporters will be speculating about whether similar flips occurred in other counties in other key battleground states, though thus far this is unproven.


The fact of the matter is Biden’s call for unity is like the kid in your class who lost every game, but always shouted ‘starting now’ only after he was ahead. In the days since Biden asked Republicans to turn the other cheek, his old boss Barack Obama launched his book promotion by claiming that Trump only won in 2016 because too many Americans are racists. Obama followed that left hook to Main Street America by then denigrating Trump as a dictator despite the fact that it was Obama who arrested and investigated journalists during his presidency.So, you see, according to Democrats, if not for the Supreme Court in 2000, fixed voting machines in 2004, and Russian interference in 2016, no Republican would have won the presidency since 1988. One legacy of Trump is he taught Republicans how to fight back. Thus, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Biden will now serve under a cloud of suspicion and feel the heat as investigators dig into every nook and cranny of his family’s life. If Republicans pick up the handful of seats they now need to take back the US House in 2022, Biden and the Democrats will rue the day they made Schiff their attack dog.Turnabout is fair play, especially in politics.

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