What Biden’s recent endorsers said about Kavanaugh and #MeToo

Almost none has addressed Tara Reade’s allegations against the former VP

Joe Biden kavanaugh
Joe Biden

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Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer for Joe Biden, claimed in an interview last month that the former vice president had put his hand up her skirt and digitally penetrated her in 1993.

Since the March 25 interview, new evidence has emerged that seems to corroborate Reade’s story: her mother called into Larry King’s radio show about the incident in 1993, and her brother, a friend, and a neighbor all recall being told the story by Reade. Nonetheless, despite making multiple media appearances in the month since the allegation, Biden has not addressed Reade’s claim directly,…

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer for Joe Biden, claimed in an interview last month that the former vice president had put his hand up her skirt and digitally penetrated her in 1993.

Since the March 25 interview, new evidence has emerged that seems to corroborate Reade’s story: her mother called into Larry King’s radio show about the incident in 1993, and her brother, a friend, and a neighbor all recall being told the story by Reade. Nonetheless, despite making multiple media appearances in the month since the allegation, Biden has not addressed Reade’s claim directly, though his spokespeople have denied it on his behalf. The former VP is nonetheless holding a ‘Virtual Women’s Town Hall’ on Tuesday.

Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee, has also enjoyed numerous high-profile endorsements since Reade came forward, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama. The Spectator has compiled a list of 35 endorsers alongside their previous positions on sexual assault, supporting alleged victims, #BelieveWomen, and #MeToo.

Hillary Clinton (endorsed April 28)

‘Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.’

‘Hillary’s message to survivors of sexual assault: We’re with you.’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (endorsed April 27)

We must #BelieveSurvivors. I’m proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.’ 


Rep. Pramila Jayapal (endorsed April 27) 

Brett Kavanaugh committed sexual assault and lied about it under oath.’

‘One year later, I am still awed by Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s bravery — and disgusted that neither Brett Kavanaugh nor Donald Trump have faced consequences for their actions’

This confirms what we already knew — Brett Kavanaugh and the president that appointed him have a history of committing sexual assault — and lying about it’

@JoeBiden is not answering the question about #MeToo Or is his answer “get men involved”? And when he says “we will not tolerate this culture,” does that include when he chaired the committee that Anita Hill testified to, to no avail?’

Sen. Mark Warner (endorsed April 23)

The Judiciary Committee simply cannot vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination this Thursday. There should be a full investigation, and Professor Ford deserves to be heard. This is a serious allegation, and we have a responsibility to listen.’

‘We need to listen to Dr Ford and get to the bottom of these allegations.’

For too long, our political system has shut out the voices of women & silenced the stories behind the #MeToo movement.’

Gov. Jay Inslee (endorsed April 22) 

‘If the Republican Senate can delay Merrick Garland’s nomination for nearly a year to steal a Supreme Court seat, they can delay Kavanaugh to investigate these disturbing allegations.Until resolved, I call on the 30 Republican governors who have endorsed Brett Kavanaugh to rescind their endorsement immediately.’

Rep. Gwen Moore (endorsed April 22) 

I stand with Dr Ford because, as a survivor, I #BelieveWomen. Stay strong’

Today’s vote to confirm Kavanaugh is a vote to silence women across the country who have come forward with their stories of survival. We will not surrender, and we will not be silenced. We will vote, and we will bring change’

Rep. Cheri Bustos (endorsed April 20)

‘It takes a lot of guts to talk publicly about a sexual assault. Thank you to all of the survivors who told their stories during this struggle to stop #Kavanaugh. Your bravery is an inspiration to our nation – you matter, your stories matter and I believe you.’

I believe you Dr Ford. Thank you for having the courage to come forward and tell your story today. The Senate must delay proceedings until the FBI conducts a full background investigation into Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assaults.

Rep. Katherine Clark (endorsed April 20) 

‘Christine Blasey Ford & Deborah Ramirez deserved more than a rushed half-hearted investigation. And just like the over 20+ women who’ve accused the President of sexual assault, they deserved to be believed#BelieveWomen’ ‘Dr Ford’s testimony was powerful. She was courageous, straightforward, and I believe her.’‘We have to stop this shame and blame game that revictimizes victims when they come forward. I believe Christine Blasey Ford. #BelieveSurvivors #Timesup’

Rep. Barbara Lee (endorsed April 20)

The brave survivors and allies who walked out today inspire me. I will keep fighting for a world where ALL women are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. #BelieveWomen

When Anita Hill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat the same mistakes of our past. The US Senate should #BelieveWomen and #PostponeTheVote on Brett Kavanaugh.’

27 years ago, @HouseDemWomen marched to the Senate to support Anita Hill. It breaks my heart that we are still fighting this fight in 2018. #BelieveWomen

Rep. Ro Khanna (endorsed April 20) 

If Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed, 2 out of the 9 people who serve on the highest federal court will be accused of sexual assault. Let that sink in’

‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. I believe Anita Hill.’

‘It takes bravery for women to come out with their stories of sexual assault — especially when the accused is someone as high-profile as Brett Kavanaugh’

Rep. Andy Levin (endorsed April 20)

‘Weekend reflection…there is a new four word definition of “speaking truth to power”: Dr Christine Blasey Ford’

Rep. Jamie Raskin (endorsed April 20) 

‘I linked arms w/ colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee & @HouseDemWomen to march to the Senate to tell the Banana Republicans to stop this obscene rush to install Kavanaugh on the Court after Dr Ford’s credible, sincere & compelling testimony yesterday. #DelayTheVote’

.@Senjudiciary must #PostponeTheVote on Brett #Kavanaugh and conduct a thorough investigation of Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s statements. The Senate and the people need to hear her testimony. #BelieveWomen

Rep. Jim McGovern (April 20)

I joined 64 Members of Congress led by @RepLoisFrankel calling for an immediate postponement of #Kavanaugh hearings until a thorough FBI investigation has been completed. #BelieveChristine

Sen. Mazie Hirono (endorsed April 18)

‘Today, @SenGillibrand and I accepted a letter signed by over 1,000 alumnae of @HoltonArms in support of and in solidarity with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I will enter it into the Committee record to show that we are standing together because we #BelieveWomen

It took a lot of courage for Christine Blasey Ford to come forward to share her story of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh. Her story is very credible and I believe her.’

As I said during the hearing, this is why the #MeToo movement is so important, because often in these situations, there is an environment where people see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing. That is what we have to change’

Sen. Brian Schatz (endorsed April 17) 

The game that some R’s are running is that if, legally, there is reasonable doubt about the sexual assault allegations, then BK should be confirmed. That’s upside down.

This is not a criminal proceeding and the Senate is not deciding whether or not to throw him in jail. We are deciding whether or not to give him a super powerful job for life. He gets fairness, but not an evidentiary standard as if his personal freedom is at stake. It is not.’

Rep. Ted Lieu (endorsed April 16) 

‘Remember: this is not a trial. It’s Brett #Kavanaugh’s job interview for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. He’s not entitled to a seat on the Supreme Court, and his judicial record and these allegations cement that his nomination must be withdrawn.’‘When #AnitaHill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat mistakes — the Senate must give Dr Christine Blasey Ford the respect she deserves and investigate the serious allegations against Brett #Kavanaugh before it’s too late. #PostponeTheVote #BelieveWomen

I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Watch the entirety of her compelling testimony and you will too.’

I believe Christine Blasey Ford. This is a series charge [sic], one that Mrs Ford privately told her therapist in 2012. The GOP must reopen hearings and have Brett Kavanaugh questioned under oath.’

Rep. Julia Brownley (endorsed April 16) 

These accusations about Judge Kavanaugh are incredibly serious. Survivors deserve to be supported when they come forward, not ignored.’

We need the truth now. Women and girls around the world are watching, and we need to show them that we support survivors and #BelieveWomen

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (endorsed April 15) 

For too long, women have stayed silent about sexual harassment and assault. The #MeToo movement is starting to change that, and I’m proud to stand with women across this country who are speaking out.’

Believe women.’

Rep. Gary Peters (endorsed April 15)

‘These allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are extremely serious. Professor Ford deserves the opportunity to have her voice heard and tell her story before the Judiciary Committee acts on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.’

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (endorsed April 15)

I just met with brave survivors who are committed to efforts to make sure sexual assault in all its forms is understood and stopped. So inspiring!’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (endorsed April 15)

‘Another disgusting attempt to discredit Dr Ford, who has risked her own safety and reputation in coming forward. Many survivors of sexual assault choose not to speak out, for a thousand different reasons. But when they do, they deserve to be heard‘The events described by Julie Swetnick, Ms Ramirez & Dr Ford are absolutely heart-wrenching. The idea that the Senate would continue this confirmation process without an FBI investigation is even more revolting’

Rep. Adam Schiff (endorsed April 15)

‘Some people think that even if Dr Ford told the truth, committing sexual assault in high school shouldn’t disqualify Kavanaugh. I am not one of themOthers would rather not know the truth. I am not one of them either.’

In the face of a credible claim of sexual assault, corroborated by a therapist’s notes, the Senate must stop the rush to confirm Kavanaugh and look into this serious allegation. To elevate him to a lifetime appointment without doing so would be reckless and unconscionable’

Rep. Mike Levin (endorsed April 15)

‘Since the #MeToo movement took off two years ago, countless women have come forward to share their experiences of sexual assault and harassment. I’m deeply grateful for their courage. Now we need to keep fighting to protect and empower survivors. #TIMESUP’

How many more Kavanaugh victims need to come forward before McConnell and Senate Republicans stop “plowing ahead”?’

Dr Ford’s extraordinarily brave and highly credible testimony today requires that the FBI conduct a thorough investigation into the multiple allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.  This must be done prior to any vote on his confirmation.  Anything less and this process is a sham.’

President Barack Obama (endorsed April 14) 

‘If you support the #MeToo movement, you’re outraged by stories of sexual harassment and assault, inspired by the women who’ve shared them, you’ve gotta do more than retweet a hashtag. You’ve gotta vote.’

Obama also started the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign to combat sexual assault. Biden later promoted the campaign on college campuses, warning students to end locker room talk and avoid women who are too drunk to consent.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (endorsed April 13) 

The revelations today confirm what we already knew: during his hearing, Kavanaugh faced credible accusations and likely lied to Congress. I support any appropriate constitutional mechanism to hold him accountable.’

Rep. Ben Ray Luján (endorsed April 13) 

‘Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations must be taken seriously and investigated fully before the Senate Judiciary Committee proceeds with Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.’

On this day two years ago, #MeToo went from a moment to a global movement of solidarity and action against sexual assault. We owe the brave women and men who’ve spoken out on cultures of harassment and assault a debt of gratitude.’

Tom Steyer (endorsed April 9) 

‘Dr Ford is immeasurably brave. I thank her for her patriotism. We must stop Kavanaugh.’

It was an honor to meet Judy at our town hall in Florida last week. In her words, “We must support women, we must believe women, we must elect women.”‘

Gov. Kate Brown (endorsed April 8)

‘I’ve already said that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because he will be a threat to women’s health care. Sexual assault allegations are always serious. I urge the Senate to respect the rights of the survivor as they investigate this allegation and reject Kavanaugh.’‘I stand with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Today we walked out in solidarity with victims of sexual assault everywhere. #BelieveSurvivors #StopKavanaugh’

Rep. Diana DeGette (endorsed April 8)

Christine Blasey Ford is a hero.’

‘How brave of her to come forward. In light of this development, the scheduled vote on #Kavanaugh’s confirmation should be delayed so these serious allegations can be investigated

Rep. Katie Porter (endorsed April 8)

Things the Kavanaugh appointment and hearing made crystal clear: The GOP doesn’t care about survivorsThe GOP doesn’t care about women’s rights.’‘We must take *all* claims of sexual assault seriously regardless of party or political connections.’

Rep. Deb Haaland (endorsed April 8)

‘Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation sends a clear message to women and girls: you don’t matter. #BelieveSurvivors #TakeItBack’

The latest allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh proves that he does not represent our values and he should not be appointed to the highest court in the land. I believe women. #BelieveSurvivors’

I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford, and as a result I believe we need to do everything we can to stop Brett Kavanaugh from reaching the Supreme Court. Women deserve better than this.’

Sen. Michael Bennet (endorsed April 8)

‘The Senate should not move forward w/ Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the Judiciary Committee conducts a full investigation into these serious allegations. This is a lifetime appointment to one of the most powerful positions in government. We owe the American people no less.’

The Senate should not vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the FBI fully investigates all of these allegations.’

For her courage alone, Dr Ford deserved far better than the casual dismissal we saw from members of this body’

Sen. Tom Udall (endorsed April 8)

I watched today’s @SenJudiciary hearing. I listened intently to Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s harrowing testimony. I believe her.’

‘The Senate should halt all proceedings on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until a full and independent background investigation has been conducted by the FBI into the serious allegations against him.’

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Rep. John Lewis (endorsed April 7) 

‘I rise today with pain in my heart.  There is not any room in a civilized society for the abuse of anyone, but especially women and girls.’

I’ve seen and known women who are victims and survivors and violence. Mothers, sisters, and daughters must know that their pain is our pain.’

Sen. Sherrod Brown (endorsed April 7)

Dr Ford’s testimony was a powerful moment for our country, and I am grateful to her and all the brave women who were inspired by her to speak out and share their own stories. It’s because of their courage that the FBI investigation is going forward.’

Rep. Jared Huffman (endorsed April 1)

After hearing the poised, truthful and compelling testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, it is inconceivable that Republican senators could jam through a vote on Kavanaugh without conducting an FBI investigation.  If they choose to do so, they will pay a heavy political price.’

Kavanaugh’s angry defiance starting to look unhinged – not the choirboy temperament he previously tried to project. If he’s this aggressive while sober, imagine stumbling drunk at 17. I believe Dr Blasey Ford & the other accusers.  This man does not belong on the Supreme Court.’

‘Choosing to just “believe” probably the biggest liar in American history, and to summarily dismiss credible accusations of sexual assault & rape, is the same thing as saying “we don’t care about sexual assault & rape.” That’s the reality of today’s GOP.’


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