It’s different when Biden gets caught with classified docs

There is one law for the elite, quite another for you and me

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So where are the FBI SWAT teams? Will they be raiding Joe Biden’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement as they raided Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Palm Beach home? Of course not. Sure, it turns out that there were classified documents in Biden’s office dating from his time as vice president. But only Trump and Trump-friendly people get the full klieg treatment from the Deep State’s Geheime Staatspolizei.  

We do not yet know exactly what is in Biden’s documents, though news reports acknowledge that some of the material was marked “sensitive…

So where are the FBI SWAT teams? Will they be raiding Joe Biden’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement as they raided Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Palm Beach home? Of course not. Sure, it turns out that there were classified documents in Biden’s office dating from his time as vice president. But only Trump and Trump-friendly people get the full klieg treatment from the Deep State’s Geheime Staatspolizei.  

We do not yet know exactly what is in Biden’s documents, though news reports acknowledge that some of the material was marked “sensitive compartmented information,” also known as SCI, a designation used for “highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.” Late-breaking news specifies that at least some of the material has to do with Ukraine, Iran and the UK.  Top secret stuff, in any case.

Back when Trump’s house was raided, the media was rife with speculation that the classified material might include “nuclear secrets.” They haven’t dared to air such speculation this time around. So far, Biden himself is stonewalling reporters who dare to raise the subject. Doubtless we can look forward to watching the Muppet-in-Chief, Karine Jean-Pierre, explain why there really weren’t any classified documents in Joe’s office, or why if there were they actually belong to Trump.

What should we make of this latest episode? Two things. On the one hand, it is yet another illustration of the two-tier system of government into which America has devolved. There is one law for the elite, quite another for you and me. On the other hand, the revelation just might inaugurate a little carpet raising, allowing the world to get a glimpse of what “the Big Guy” has been up to in his business dealings. It is not without interest, for example, that the “Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement” at the University of Pennsylvania came into being with a hefty injection of Chinese cash, more than $50 million of the crispest. Inquiring minds might want to look into the penumbras and emanations of that bit of largess directed at the then-vice president of the United States.

Anyway, perhaps this documentgate will provide a pretext — yet another — to nudge Biden aside when it comes time for the 2024 presidential campaign. That still leaves the country with the problem of Kamala Harris, who as a half-black female has the two qualifications that the Democratic machine considers most important. Unfortunately, those are her only qualifications, apart, that is, from her winning laugh.

In the end, the story of the top secret docs in Joe Biden’s private office is just more proof that, as L’il Abner told us, “the country’s in the very best of hands.”

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