Confessions of the secret suburban Trump moms: Minnesota

‘I’ve found solace in several “private” social media groups of other fellow Trump-supporting Minnesotan women’

Donald Trump meets supporters at Minneapolis-St Paul Airport (Getty)

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Suburban women are understood to be one of the most crucial demographic groups in the presidential election on November 3. Many pollsters currently predict that President Donald Trump will lose due to his unpopularity with that category of voters. But have the Democrats really reclaimed the suburbs? Or are there more likely Republican voters than the polls suggest? The Spectator tracked down a series of so-called ‘closet Trump’ voters, women from the suburbs who would never publicly voice their support for the President for fear of recrimination in their social circles. These are their stories.

Suburban women are understood…

Suburban women are understood to be one of the most crucial demographic groups in the presidential election on November 3. Many pollsters currently predict that President Donald Trump will lose due to his unpopularity with that category of voters. But have the Democrats really reclaimed the suburbs? Or are there more likely Republican voters than the polls suggest? 

The Spectator tracked down a series of so-called ‘closet Trump’ voters, women from the suburbs who would never publicly voice their support for the President for fear of recrimination in their social circles. These are their stories.

Suburban women are understood to be one of the most crucial demographic groups in the presidential election on November 3. Many pollsters currently predict that President Donald Trump will lose due to his unpopularity with that category of voters. But have the Democrats really reclaimed the suburbs? Or are there more likely Republican voters than the polls suggest? The Spectator tracked down a series of so-called ‘closet Trump’ voters, women from the suburbs who would never publicly voice their support for the President for fear of recrimination in their social circles. These are their stories.


My husband and I recently moved from one South Metro suburb to another. One of the first things I said to him was, ‘We really shouldn’t put any political signs in our yard. Our new neighbors would immediately disapprove of us!’ As a couple, we’ve always prided ourselves on being authentic with people. But this election year has made us especially leery of expressing any views that go against the LOUD and sometimes obnoxious majority opinions in our immediate community. I voted for Trump. Yep, I voted for him in 2016 and I enthusiastically look forward to doing so again in 2020. Don’t tell anyone!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been among different groups of friends, whether it’s in our neighborhood, church, school or family, finding myself awkwardly nodding along to everyone else’s comments in wholehearted support of Trump’s opponent. I’m not sure when it became taboo to support the President of the United States, but alas, here we stand.

Between you and me (and the thousands of strangers reading this), I don’t think Trump is a womanizer. I don’t think he is a racist. I don’t think he’s a bigot. I don’t think building a wall is crushing dreams of hopeful American citizens. All of these lies have been spun and already decided by the mainstream media, of which the narrative I do not subscribe to. Quite the contrary: I actually think Trump is one of the first presidents in decades that truly stands for our Constitution. He isn’t afraid to stand up for the rights of Americans. He isn’t afraid to champion freedom. He isn’t wary of giving a voice to the hundreds of thousands of voiceless unborn babies that lose their lives every year.

As if President Trump wasn’t up against enough, he is now expected to impeccably manage our country’s greatest pandemic in a century. How eager other suburban moms are to make brash judgments and slanderous remarks on their Facebook profiles, slamming how Trump is handling it all. ‘Orange man bad’, ‘Trump wastes all of his time golfing…’, ‘Trump caused COVID-19…’, ‘Trump, the TYRANT!’ All the while I maintain my ‘Minnesota nice’ and hold my tongue. Inside I’m begging them to show me the proof of their audacious claims. People are rearing to pounce on Trump’s every move, blaming him for deaths, the virus and the economic downturn. When I see those posts, I think about how his term gave America its lowest unemployment levels, highest stock market gains and lowest gas prices, probably in most of our lifetimes. Those things didn’t happen because Dr Fauci or Nancy Pelosi did something right, but few give credit to the President. Still, I say nothing.

Speaking of ‘tyrants’, my fellow Minnesotans need look no further than our own backyard. Gov. Timothy Walz has singlehandedly caused the greatest demise of our state, allowing upwards of $500 million in damages. He sat idly by as small businesses crumbled to literal ashes. He dismissed Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey’s plea to bring in the National Guard to aid in amending the great destruction. Walz declined, day after day, eventually comparing the brave and servant-minded National Guardsmen to ’19-year-old cooks’. Walz allowed Black Lives Matter’s ‘peaceful protests’ to torch, loot and annihilate the very community which they worked so hard to build. If matters couldn’t get any worse, the Minneapolis city council then called for the dismantling of the police. Sure, let’s get rid of an organization sworn to bring order and protection to our people and then, as expected, blame the whole thing on The Donald.


I also happen to believe President Trump has been appointed by God. Is he a perfect man without fault? Nope. But, historically, look who God used to make large impacts in this world. David was an adulterer, murderer and a liar, yet God still used him. Paul imprisoned and persecuted Christians, yet God still used him. Abraham lied about Sarah being his wife, twice, and again, God used him. Trump doesn’t even come close to carrying out such vile things as these men, so surely God can and IS using him.

So there you have it. I’m a suburban-dwelling, leggings-wearing, Starbucks-drinking, minivan-driving, Bible-believing mom who will be voting to reelect our president, Donald J. Trump. It’s a shame those like me feel the need to hide their Trump signs inside of their upstairs windows or in the far back wall of their garage, but I see you. I’ve also found solace in several ‘private’ social media groups of other fellow Trump-supporting Minnesotan women, which are growing by the hundreds daily. I catch myself intentionally seeking out other likeminded mommies, waiting for a subtle hint of POTUS support or nod to protecting our freedoms. Now that my secret is out, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m free! Still, for now, please keep this between us 😉

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