Which royal is attempting to pull a sibling affair chapter from their new tell-all?

Plus: Candace Owens fallout at the Daily Wire

Candace Owens attends the The Greatest Lie Ever Sold premiere (Getty)

string(95) “https://thespectator.nbalar.com/newsletter/royal-sibling-affair-chapter-cockburn-notes-10-14-22”

Candace Owens fallout at the Daily Wire
Cockburn’s spies have heard that the Candace Owens’s recent antics have internally divided her colleagues at the Daily Wire.
Some found her defense of her buddy Kanye West’s antisemitic comments gross, but Jeremy Boreing, the company’s CEO, is said to have a soft spot for Candace — and is circling the wagons.

In case you missed it: Candace came to Kanye’s defense after he tweeted that he was going to “go death con 3 on Jewish people.” Owens claimed that, “If you are an honest person, you did not think this tweet…

Candace Owens fallout at the Daily Wire

Cockburn’s spies have heard that the Candace Owens’s recent antics have internally divided her colleagues at the Daily Wire.
Some found her defense of her buddy Kanye West’s antisemitic comments gross, but Jeremy Boreing, the company’s CEO, is said to have a soft spot for Candace — and is circling the wagons.

In case you missed it: Candace came to Kanye’s defense after he tweeted that he was going to “go death con 3 on Jewish people.” Owens claimed that, “If you are an honest person, you did not think this tweet was antisemitic.” That’s right reader: it’s your fault for interpreting it all wrong.

Cockburn also hears that the Wire‘s use of NDAs is keeping disgruntled former staffers quiet. Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro, one of the most prominent Orthodox Jews in the country, is reportedly furious about the West-Owens imbroglio, but he no longer runs the company as a day-to-day manager.


Blind item: royal attempts to pull sibling affair chapter from memoir

Little birds have been whispering in Cockburn’s ear.

Rumor has it, a well-known member of a royal family is set to release a memoir. But the book’s publication has been pushed back.

Some commentators claim that the legal process could be the cause of the back-up — or the fact that the author is scrambling to pull some information out which could be damning for the rest of their family.

Sources allege that the book will detail a supposed affair that the author’s sibling had. The chapter, which goes in depth on the sordid fling, contains lines similar to “I can’t believe my sibling would treat their spouse like this, after what our father did to our mother.”

After the sibling found out about the bombshell, it has been alleged that they are unable to look the troublesome scribe in the eye.

Will the author be able to get the chapter pulled? Only time will tell…


Is John Fetterman ready for his close-up?

Donald Trump endorsed Dr. Oz for Senate in Pennsylvania in part because of his TV star status. Now, the Republican candidate’s internal numbers are flipping dramatically… thanks to his opponent John Fetterman’s car-crash interview on NBC News.

Fetterman granted the interview on the condition that he could use a talk-to-text teleprompter to understand the questions.

After his stroke in May, it’s hardly surprising that the hulking Democrat has skimped on campaign events and interviews. But it begs the question that NBC’s Dasha Burns is being slaughtered for raising: is Fetterman capable of doing the job?


British senior minister fired after thirty-eight days in the job

Cockburn is no stranger to a HR meeting, but even he hasn’t been canned after a mere thirty-eight days in the job.

Kwasi Kwarteng, known overseas as the man who made the pound drop to levels not seen since 1971, has become the UK’s second-shortest serving chancellor. What happened to the first you ask? He died.

Politicos in Britain are somewhat shocked at the decision, as Kwarteng’s very close relationship with Prime Minister Liz Truss is well known. Looks like dear friendship only gets you so far.

How are other Conservative MPs dealing with the news? Cockburn checked in and the mood is, let’s say, not good. “We’re totally fucked,” one claimed. Poetic.

Some senior MPs are already calling for former Speccie editor Boris Johnson to come back. Turns out the grass isn’t always greener…


The Trump cash-dump

A number of former employees of the Trump White House used to talk in breathy tones about the prospect of a Pence/Haley 2024 ticket. But now those same voices have moved on…

Now they want Trump again: not because they really want him to win, but because they’re hunting for a big payday.

Some politicos have said that a Trump run wouldn’t be a bad idea for either party. As for 45, his surest way of prison given the multiple investigations into him would be… becoming POTUS.

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