Trump’s conversation with Australian PM Scott Morrison


scott morrison donald trump
Scott Morrison and Donald Trump

President Donald Trump repeatedly pushed for Australian prime minister Scott Morrison for help with an investigation into the Mueller inquiry, during a phone call in July, according to a transcript of the conversation released by the White House today. Read the transcript here: UNCLASSIFIEDDeclassified by order of the PresidentOctober 1, 2019MEMORANDUM OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONSUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with Prime Minister Morrison of AustraliaParticipants: Prime Minister Morrison of AustraliaNotetakers: The White House Situation RoomDate, Time July 17, 2019, 10:07-10:15 am EDTand Place: ResidenceThe President: Congratulations again on your great victory in May. A tremendous victory. I was…

President Donald Trump repeatedly pushed for Australian prime minister Scott Morrison for help with an investigation into the Mueller inquiry, during a phone call in July, according to a transcript of the conversation released by the White House today.

Read the transcript here:


Declassified by order of the President

October 1, 2019


SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with Prime Minister Morrison of Australia

Participants: Prime Minister Morrison of Australia

Notetakers: The White House Situation Room

Date, Time July 17, 2019, 10:07-10:15 am EDT

and Place: Residence

The President: Congratulations again on your great victory in May. A tremendous victory. I was watching, America was watching, the world was watching and you did a terrific job. Nobody expected it but you did a terrific job. Congratulations.

Prime Minister Morrison: G’day Mr President. We won well in the end. I think ya set a great example for us a few years ago. Elections are about being a good bloke, doing the hard yakka, and [inaudible] pull a few cold ones from the slab and sink them. That’s what happens when ya get out to the woop woop.

The President: [pausing] It’s nice of you to say that. Our two nations have a beautiful, strong relationship. We spend a lot of effort and time on that. We will continue to do more with you in the Pacific, with China too. I was speaking to Angela Merkel about China and she…

Prime Minister Morrison: [chewing and scratching noises]

The President: … talks but she does nothing. A lot of the European countries are the same. When you look at the United States we do very, very good things for Australia. Maybe you could say we should do more. You could say we could do more but we have been very very good for Australia.

Prime Minister Morrison: Deadset, Mr President, I think when you look at what could be achieved in the coming years [inaudible] puts down a coldie and ta – [inaudible] bloody bag o’ goon and skulls it in China in front of the whole lot ‘em. Ther – [inaudible] – ne line between being a larrikin and a galah, Mr President. For me it tells you everything you need to know [inaudible] how wet the kookaburra can get.

The President: [pausing, thinking] Scott can you hear me?

Prime Minister Morrison: Yes Mr President carry on.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor because our countries have been through a lot together. Australia knows it. I would like you to find out what happened…

Prime Minister Morrison: [scratching, muffled shouts, general crackling on the line]

The President: … with those officials in little Malcolm’s government…

Prime Minister Morrison: [muttering] Did you see the size of that one over there? Chriiiiiiiiist.

The President: … the ones who knew about the Russians and about Hillary. We have bad people here too, like Mueller and the Democrats. I know that, I know that. But we have some bad people on your side we want you to take a look at. Scott?

Prime Minister Morrison: Defo Mr President, I think we can both agree [inaudible] -s cooked as I have ever seen a sheila.

The President: Scott, I have to say this, we are having some trouble with this line. It’s a bad line. I have to say it.

Prime Minister Morrison: It’s gone cactus Mr President I’m sorry. It’s the crocs in Canberra this time of year, they…

The President: Crocs?

Prime Minister Morrison: Migration season right [inaudible] -hey come bounding over the river from Chewing Nob and Dicks Lagoon, thou – [inaudible] -obbos. Bloody bastards with huge teeth. They come out of ya dunny and start rippin’ through the wires at ya lodge.

The President: [shaken] Scott, I don’t like what I’m hearing. Can we send someone over? I know plumbers. I know animal people, some of the best animal people. Do you need guns? We have some great guns Scott, some of the best.

Prime Minister Morrison: I’ve just got me woody Mr President and a couple of our best MPs are havin- [inaudible, chewing noises] -uring them away with snags, right bang into the bait house.

The President: Scott listen, I just want to assure you that I know some terrific pest control guys. But listen, Scott. I want you to take a call from Rudy. You know Rudy. He was mayor of New York…

Prime Minister Morrison: [crashing, banging] ARGH! She’s nipped me digits!

The President: Scott can you speak to Rudy. I want you to speak to Rudy and with the attorney general. You can look into Malcolm’s officials and then speak to Rudy. A lot of people want to know about how they’re involved with Mueller, a lot of people are saying terrible things. Scott?

Prime Minister Morrison: No worries mate. She’ll be alright.

The President: Scott if you speak to Rudy we can get you the number for the animal people.

Prime Minister Morrison: I’d be stoked Mr Preside- [inaudible] -nd see if you can get ‘em out of the pipes, mate.

The President: Thank you very much.

Prime Minister Morrison: No dramas.

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