Will my election night party end in fisticuffs?

All my guests except one are Trump-haters

The end is nigh: the final US presidential debate is watched outside the Cornwell Theater in San Francisco (Liu Guanguan/China News Service/Getty)

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New YorkElection fever is heating up and I hope the party I’m giving on the evening of November 3 will not end in fisticuffs. All my guests except one are Trump-haters, so my dinner looks a bit like the Last Supper in reverse. Never mind. Many who pretend to know are predicting a Biden landslide, including yours truly, so at least I’ll have a reason to drown my troubles in very good Frog red, and serve my guests ordinary Italian white.Yippee! Even without a pandemic and Trump’s misstatements, it would take a miracle for The…

New York

Election fever is heating up and I hope the party I’m giving on the evening of November 3 will not end in fisticuffs. All my guests except one are Trump-haters, so my dinner looks a bit like the Last Supper in reverse. Never mind. Many who pretend to know are predicting a Biden landslide, including yours truly, so at least I’ll have a reason to drown my troubles in very good Frog red, and serve my guests ordinary Italian white.

Yippee! Even without a pandemic and Trump’s misstatements, it would take a miracle for The Donald to win in view of the attacks on him by what is supposedly neutral news. Never before have the media been so openly biased in the way they have cosseted and protected Biden while discrediting everything that Trump has accomplished. The President is openly blamed for the numbers of unemployed when even a child would be able to see that Trump had lowered unemployment to its lowest level for 50 years.

Smug TV pundits and columnists hammer away each day and night on the evils of Trump: ‘For Democrats, horror never ends, replaying 2016 in an endless loop with doses of fear, stress and loathing,’ was a New York Times headline written by a hysterical woman this week. The Biden scandals have been covered up and described by a lone conservative writer as ‘the opposite of a feeding frenzy’. Hunter Biden’s sleazy business affairs have a lid on them imposed by the liberal powers that rule the media, Big Tech and the entertainment industry.

The newspapers and TV work hard to discredit any story that doesn’t toe the anti-Trump line. I worked as a journalist under the strict censorship of the Greek colonels (it suited me fine then), but this is much worse. Every TV show is packed with anti-Trump jokes and stories, every news hour filled with anti-Trump venom. I’ve never experienced anything like this. Perhaps during Mao’s cultural revolution of the 1960s, but I had better things to do back then.

What is just as bad is the Big Tech bias against The Donald. Each and every day of the past four years, Twitter and Facebook have brimmed with anti-Trump stories based on anonymous sources. Not that I read them because I don’t use social media, but I have sources who do. If the deck isn’t stacked against Trump on those two platforms — newscasts rather — my name is Adolf Hitler. Silicon Valley has effectively silenced the right, its billionaires having made a devil’s bargain with the media: ‘We’ll play your game and stay left, and you’ll forget that we’re news networks and pretend that we’re platforms.’ Meanwhile, the Trump-Russia connection has been perpetuated for three long years by social media and never been blocked as fake news (as it should have been in my opinion).

OK, Trump has made a fool of himself along the way, but he has delivered enough not to deserve the anti-Don vitriol that is allowed to be spewed daily. Trump’s campaign has also run out of moolah. That’s not surprising in view of the bad publicity he’s getting on social media. According to one report, almost 95 percent of donations from employees working at Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Oracle went to Biden. Twitter execs, however, are the most anti-Trump of all. They have openly admitted that the buffoon ‘must be defeated’ and one top manager called people who had voted for him ‘hysterically stupid people’. Nice.

Degenerate New York Times columnists are proposing Orwellian tribunals in a post-Trump period in order to ensure that 2016 never happens again. The self-appointed guardians of democracy have ignored the vandalism and burning of cities — read Douglas Murray in last week’s Speccie — and one clown Times columnist, Nicholas Kristof, even demanded: ‘Help me find Trump’s anarchists in Portland.’


The refusal of the media to condemn antifa and the looting and burning has emboldened a new criminal class of anarchists. The media’s decision to turn itself into a propaganda tool against Trump is something I never thought possible in America. And yet it has happened and I will never take an American journalist or writer seriously ever again.

But as always something good emerges from the rubble. A New Yorker magazine star writer and CNN legal analyst, a big lefty by the name of Jeffrey Toobin, who writes pompous articles on the illegality of Trump, was caught masturbating in full Zoom glory during a New Yorker editorial meeting.

Once a respected organ, the New Yorker under David Remnick, the woke son of a dentist and a social climber par excellence, has turned into a lefty tool devoid of the slenderest hint of objective reporting. What amazed me was the fact that Toobin was wanking while on the call with two very homely female writers during the editorial meeting. I thought only Hollywood weirdos did that sort of thing. Now I find out it’s a typical New Yorker-CNN star writer who does it. Toobin had some lefties defend him, and he’s only been suspended — but just imagine the media’s reaction if someone of my political persuasion were caught in similar circumstances.

This article was originally published in The Spectator’s UK magazine. Subscribe to the US edition here.

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