A lament for the UK and the US

I went to see the Oklahoma! revival and walked out

CHESTER, ENGLAND – MAY 06: Nigel Farage speaks on stage at Old Hall Country Club on May 06, 2019 in Chester, United Kingdom. Nigel Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party, is campaigning for the Brexit Party’s contest for this month’s European Parliament elections, whose candidates include Annunziata Rees-Mogg. The Brexit Party is reported to be polling in front of Labour and the Conservatives for the European parliament elections. (Photo by Anthony Devlin/Getty Images)

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New York

Here’s a question for you: if your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, toy boy even, lied repeatedly to you about a serious matter such as fidelity, would you continue to trust them? I suppose some fools would, but most wouldn’t. So here’s another question: how can the British people even countenance voting for those they entrusted with implementing their 2016 decision to leave the bureaucratic dictatorship that is the EU? Duh! Actually, I’d be in the UK by now and trying to stir things up, but I’m stuck in the Bagel with pneumonia, bronchitis, and…

New York

Here’s a question for you: if your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, toy boy even, lied repeatedly to you about a serious matter such as fidelity, would you continue to trust them? I suppose some fools would, but most wouldn’t. So here’s another question: how can the British people even countenance voting for those they entrusted with implementing their 2016 decision to leave the bureaucratic dictatorship that is the EU? Duh! Actually, I’d be in the UK by now and trying to stir things up, but I’m stuck in the Bagel with pneumonia, bronchitis, and all sorts of other bugs that caught up with me while in pursuit of the high life. Never mind, I have a strong constitution and will be up in no time, but it’s Britain and the good old U S of A that I’m worried about. I’ll move on to that later when I’ve dealt with this trust thing.

Two weeks ago we all read what Douglas Murray had to say about the hit job on Roger Scruton. I know Sir Roger and greatly admire him — and he has a beautiful wife to boot. So why does a sophisticated philosopher like him fall for such claptrap and give an interview (albeit on false pretenses) to one of the deputy editors at the New Statesman, George Eaton. The irony is that had Roger said what Eaton claimed, I would have agreed 100 percent. The true version let me down a bit. But that’s not the point. Sir Roger should have known what young Taki knew a very long time ago: the left will lie, cheat and go to any lengths to discredit good people who do not adhere to the foulest ideologies ever, and that includes Wahhabism.

But back to the disasters that are Britain and America. (France? Forget about her: Macron is an irrelevant frog posing as a mini De Gaulle. He is nothing but a con man with a forked tongue who follows such giants in stature and influence as Sarkozy and Hollande.) Of course, the toxin spread by the lying politicians has turned this once green and pleasant land into one with a poisoned atmosphere reminiscent of an England 600 years ago. And the people to blame are extremists such as Corbyn, out-and-out liars like Theresa May, and those who are behind the extremists at the BBC, Guardian and so on. Take it from Taki: these are people and institutions not to be trusted or believed, although all of the above can and would sell you some very valuable but cheap-in-price beach fronts off Misurata and Benghazi.

I do feel sorry, though, for all the decent people of Britain who have never gone to extremes and who have (like fools) trusted their chosen representatives. It’s like discovering your mother hooking for spare change. The only man to have kept his side of the bargain has been Nigel Farage, and for that fact alone — being truthful to voters — he is being attacked by the bandy-legged louts and their cesspool cousins on the left.

Now for the land of the freebie and home of the depraved. (One needs to be depraved to demand that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — yes, that nice young man who bombed the Boston Marathon a few years ago — should have the right to vote, as some Democrat candidates are calling for. The people he and his scumbag brother murdered lost their lives and their voting rights, and he should now vote in their place?)

And what about the ‘Edelweiss’ moment? Maggie (‘the maggot’) Haberman of the New York Times tweeted, on discovering that the Marine Corps Band had played the tune from The Sound of Music at a Trump event at the White House: ‘Does… anyone at that White House understand the significance of that?’ In other words: Nazis, Hitler, Trump, etc, etc. In fact, the song was written by two great Jewish Americans, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, and it’s about as Nazi as you are Helen of Troy, Maggie.

Which brings me to more bullshit —  actually, great theater. What about the Oklahoma! revival? Also written by the same two Nazis, Rodgers and Hammerstein, the terrific musical about beautiful mornings and corn as high as an elephant’s eye has been turned into a politically correct farce that attacks gun culture, class discrimination and a corrupt justice system (that doesn’t give the vote to professional criminals). I went to see it and walked out. I probably caught the bug that’s killing me in that hall infested by lefties.

Finally, a young female jogger is sexually assaulted and murdered by a thug. His DNA is found at the crime scene and he confesses to the assault. He is then made out to be a victim of white injustice by black community leaders in New York and a mistrial is declared. And the man screaming racism the loudest is Assemblyman Charles Barron, an elected official. Jon Snow should come over and make nice with him. They would be good together. They both hate whites and both need the Hubble telescope to locate their penis.

And I leave you with a society item from the gossip columns: ‘Ma (a hip-hop hellion) spent six years in the slammer for nearly shooting to death her ex-pal Makeda. Released on Wednesday, she declined to comment while holding hands with her rapper hubby, Papoose, and flanked by longtime mentor Fat Joe.’

Society is greater than ever.

This article was originally published in The Spectator magazine.

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